To write ratios in simplest form, we have to follow the steps given below.

Step 1 :

Any ratios can be written as a fraction.

Step 2 :

Using times table, we can simplify

Step 3 :

After the simplification done, we can write it as ratio again.

If two ratios are in different units, we have to convert it into the same unit and simplify.

Simplify Ratios with Fractions


Problem 1 :

1 2/3 : 1 1/3

Solution :

1 2/3 : 1 1/3

To convert mixed fractions to improper fractions.

= 5/3 : 4/3

By multiplying both parts by 3, we get

= (5/3)  3 : (4/3)  3

= 5 : 4

So, the simplest form is 5 : 4.

Problem 2 :

 1/3 : 1/2

Solution :

1/3 : 1/2

Denominators are not same. So we have to find LCM,

= 1/3 × (2/2) : 1/2 × (3/3)

= 2/6 : 3/6

By multiplying both parts by 6, we get

= (2/6)  6 : (3/6)  6

= 2 : 3

So, the simplest form is 2 : 3.

Problem 3 :

 2 1/2 : 1 1/3

Solution :

2 1/2 : 1 1/3

To convert mixed fractions to improper fractions.

= 5/2 : 4/3

Denominators are not same. So we have to find LCM,

= 5/2 × (3/3) : 4/3 × (2/2)

= 15/6 : 8/6

By multiplying both parts by 6, we get

= (15/6)  6 : (8/6)  6

= 15 : 8

So, the simplest form is 15 : 8.

Problem 4 :

3 1/4 : 2/3

Solution :

3 1/4 : 2/3

To convert 3 1/4 is improper fractions.

13/4 : 2/3

Denominators are not same. So we have to find LCM,

= 13/4 × (3/3) : 2/3 × (4/4)

= 39/12 : 8/12

By multiplying both parts by 12, we get

= (39/12)  12 : (8/12)  12

= 39 : 8

So, the simplest form is 39 : 8.

Problem 5 :

1 2/3 : 1 3/10

Solution :

1 2/3 : 1 3/10

To convert mixed fractions to improper fractions.

5/3 : 13/10

Denominators are not same. So we have to find LCM,

= 5/3 × (10/10) : 13/10 × (3/3)

= 50/30 : 39/30

By multiplying both parts by 30, we get

= (50/30)  30 : (39/30)  30

= 50 : 39

So, the simplest form is 50 : 39.

Simplifying Ratios with Decimals

To convert the decimal as integer, we have to multiply both parts by 10, 100, 1000, .............

If we have one digit after the decimal, we will multiply by 10.

If we have two digits after the decimal, we will multiply by 100.

Based on the number of zeroes, we have to multiply by 10n.

Express as a ratio in simplest form :

Problem 1 :

0.5 : 0.3

Solution :

0.5 : 0.3

Multiplying both parts by 10, we get

= 0.5(10) : 0.3(10)

= 5 : 3

So, the simplest form is 5 : 3.

Problem 2 :

0.2 : 0.8

Solution :

0.2 : 0.8

Multiplying both parts by 10, we get

= 0.2(10) : 0.8(10)

= 2 : 8

= 2/8

= 1/4

So, the simplest form is 1 : 4.

Problem 3 :

0.6 : 1.5

Solution :

0.6 : 1.5

Multiplying both parts by 10, we get

= 0.6(10) : 1.5(10)

= 6 : 15

= 6/15

= 2/5

So, the simplest form is 2 : 5.

Problem 4 :

0.35 : 0.49

Solution :

0.35 : 0.49

Multiplying both parts by 100, we get

= 0.35(100) : 0.49(100)

= 35 : 49

= 35/49

= 5/7

So, the simplest form is 5 : 7.

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