Now, we learn the formation of large numbers. Let us build and complete the number

tower by observing the pattern of numbers.

Greatest Number



Smallest Number

Number Name

Greatest 1 digit number 9

+ 1


Smallest 2 digit number 10


Greatest 2 digit number 99

+ 1


Smallest 3 digit number 100


Greatest 3 digit number 999

+ 1


Smallest 4 digit number 1000


Greatest 4 digit number 9999

+ 1


Smallest 5 digit number 10000

Ten Thousand

Greatest 5 digit number 99999

+ 1


Smallest 6 digit number 100000

One Hundred Thousand

Greatest 6 digit number 999999

+ 1


Smallest 7 digit number 1000000

One Million

Greatest 7 digit number 9999999

+ 1


Smallest 8 digit number 10000000

Ten Million

We can observe that in every row the smallest number column has an additional zero compared to the previous row. You have read in lower classes about place value system. In this system (which was invented in India and spread to other countries!), the number 10 plays a very important role. It is shown in the following table.

1 x 10

10 x 10

100 x 10

1000 × 10

10000 × 10

100000 × 10
















Ten Thousand

One Hundred Thousand

One Million

While each new row gives a number 10 times bigger, what happens if we skip and go 2 rows below. Numbers would be 100 times bigger.

For example, 1000 = 100 times 10, or Thousand has “hundred tens” in it.

Note : 

1.3 1.4 Place Value Chart

1.4.1 Indian Method

Note :

As the numbers get large, it is difficult to keep track of the number of digits and the place value for each digit. Wherever possible, we use names like lakh and crore instead of writing so many zeros. However, we can write exact values of large numbers too, if needed.

Try These :

1. Give 3 examples where the number of things counted by you would be a 5 digit number or more.

2. There are ten lakh people in a district. What would be the population of 10 such districts?

3. The Government spends rupees 2 crores for education in a particular district every month. What would be its expenditure over 10 months?

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