Problem 1 :

Cara run 3 miles in 27  1/2 minutes. Melaine can run 6 miles in 53  1/3 minutes. Who can run faster ?


Problem 2 :

Emma drank 1/4 of a milk shake in 1/12 of a minute. How many minutes will it take her to drink a full milk shake.


Problem 3 :

Sophia used 1/3 an ounce of cheese to make 1/12 of pound of pizza dough. How many ounces of cheese are needed to make a pound of pizza dough ?


Problem 4 :

Addison plays 1/2 of a song in 1/8 of a minute. How many minutes will he need to play full song ?


Problem 5 :

Joey fills 1/5 of a toffee box in 1/25 of a minute. How much time will he take to fill a toffee box ?


Problem 6 :

Clarie power walks 1/9 of a mile in 1/54 of an hour, compute the unit rates as complex fraction.


Problem 7 :

Maya reads 1/8 of a newspaper in 1/20 of a minute. How many minutes does she need to read an entire paper?


Problem 8 :

Ellies used 1/6 of a liter of water to make 1/21 of a casserole. How many liters of does she need to make an entire casserole ?


Problem 9 :

Stella writes 1/7 of a page in 1/15 of a minute. How many minutes does it take her to write a full page ?


Problem 10 :

Lillian eats 1/4 of pound of grapes in 1/17 of a minute. How many minutes will it take her to eat a full pound of grapes ?


Answer Key

1)  Unit rate of Melaine is lesser, so she runs faster.

2)  Time taken by Emma to drink the milk shake completely is 1/3 minutes.

3)  4

4)  Number of minutes required = 4.

5)  1/5 minutes is needed.

6)  6 miles 

7)  2/5

8)  3  1/2

9)  7/15

10)  4/17

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