To convert a fraction as a percentage, we have to multiply the fraction by 100%.

Convert the following fraction into percentage.

Problem 1 :


Solution :

= 1/4

To convert fraction as percentage, we have to multiply the fraction by 100%.

= (1/4) x 100%

By simplifying 4 and 100, we get 25

= 25%

So, percentage form of 1/4 id 25%.

Convert the following fraction into percentage.

Problem 2 :


Solution :

= 5/8

First divide the numerator by the denominators.

= 0.625

Then multiply the decimal by 100%.

= 0.625 × 100%

= 62.5%

So, the fractions 5/8 is equivalent to 62.5%.

Problem 3 :

  6  4/5

Solution :

= 6  4/5

Mixed fractions is convert to the improper fractions.

= 34/5

First divide the numerator by the denominators.

= 6.8

Then multiply the decimal by 100%.

= 6.8 × 100%

= 680%

So, the fractions 6  4/5 is equivalent to 680%.

Problem 4 :


Solution :


First divide the numerator by the denominators.

= 0.92

Then multiply the decimal by 100%.

= 0.92 × 100%

= 92 %

So, the fractions 11/12 is equivalent to 92 %.

Problem 5 :


Solution :

= 9/8

First divide the numerator by the denominators.

= 1.125

Then multiply the decimal by 100%.

= 1.125 × 100%

= 112.5 %

So, the fractions 9/8 is equivalent to 112.5 %.

Problem 6 :

5  1/4

Solution :

= 5  1/4

Mixed fractions is convert to the improper fractions.

= 21/4

First divide the numerator by the denominators.

= 5.25

Then multiply the decimal by 100%.

= 5.25 × 100%

= 525 %

So, the fractions 5  1/4 is equivalent to 525 %.

Problem 7 :

2  2/3

Solution :

= 2  2/3

 Mixed fractions is convert to the improper fractions.

= 8/3

First divide the numerator by the denominators.

= 2.7

Then multiply the decimal by 100%.

= 2.7 × 100%

= 270 %

So, the fractions 2  2/3 is equivalent to 270 %.

Problem 8 :


Solution :

= 5/12

First divide the numerator by the denominators.

= 0.42

Then multiply the decimal by 100%.

= 0.42 × 100%

= 42 %

So, the fractions 5/12  is equivalent to 42 %. 

Problem 9 :

1  2/3

Solution :

 = 1  2/3

Mixed fractions is convert to the improper fractions.

= 5/3

First divide the numerator by the denominators.

= 1.7

Then multiply the decimal by 100%.

= 1.7 × 100%

= 170 %

So, the fractions 1  2/3 is equivalent to 170 %.

Problem 10 :


Solution :

= 5/9

First divide the numerator by the denominators.

= 0.56

Then multiply the decimal by 100%.

= 0.56 × 100%

= 56%

So, the fractions 5/9 is equivalent to 56%.

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