Problem 1 :

Find the ratio in which the point (11, 15) divides the line segment joining the point (15, 5) and (9, 20).


Given points are (15, 5) and (9, 20).

Let P(11, 15) divide AB internally in the ratio l : m.

By the section formula,

P(x,y)=lx2+mx1l+m,ly2+my1l+mSubstitute (x1, y1)=(15,5) and (x2, y2)=(9, 20)(11,15)=l(9)+m(15)l+m,l(20)+m(5)l+m(11,15)=9l+15ml+m,20l+5ml+m

Equating the coefficients of x, we get


Hence, the point divides the line segment joining the points in the ratio 4 : 2.

Problem 2 :

Find the ratio in which the point P(m, 6) divides the line segment joining the point A(-4, 3) and B(2, 8). Also find the value of m.


Using the section formula, if a point (x, y) divided the line joining the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in the ratio l : m, then


Let P divides the join of A and B in the ratio k : 1, then

Therefore, we have

6=k×8+1×3k+16(k+1)=8k+36k+6=8k+32k=3k=32P divides the join of A and B in the ratio 3 : 2Now, m=2k-4k+1=2×32-432+1=-152m=-25

Problem 3 :

Find the ratio in which the point P(-6, a) divides the join of A(-3, -1) and B(-8, 9). Also find the value of a.


Using the section formula, if a point (x, y) divided the line joining the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in the ratio l : m, then

P(x,y)=lx2+mx1l+m,ly2+my1l+mSubstitute (x1, y1)=(-3,-1) and (x2, y2)=(-8,9)P(-6,a)=l(-8)+m(-3)l+m,l(9)+m(-1)l+mP(-6,a)=-8l-3ml+m,9l-ml+mEquating the x component-6=-8l-3ml+m-6(l+m)=-8l-3m-6l-6m=-8l-3m2l=3mlm=32

l : m = 3 : 2

To find a, equating the coefficient of y


Problem 4 :

Find the ratio in which the point P(-3, a) divides the join of A(-5, -4) and B(-2, 3). Also find the value of a.


Using the section formula, if a point (x, y) divided the line joining the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in the ratio l : m, then

P(x,y)=lx2+mx1l+m,ly2+my1l+mSubstitute (x1, y1)=(-5,-4) and (x2, y2)=(-2,3)P(-3,a)=l(-2)+m(-5)l+m,l(3)+m(-4)l+mP(-3,a)=-2l-5ml+m,3l-4ml+mEquating the x component-3=-2l-5ml+m-3(l+m)=-2l-5m-3l-3m=-2l-5m-l=2mlm=21l:m=2:1

To find a, equating the coefficient of y


Problem 5 :

Find the ratio in which the point P(a, 1) divides the join of A(-4, 4) and B(6, -1). Also find the value of a.


Using the section formula, if a point (x, y) divided the line joining the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in the ratio l : m, then

P(x,y)=lx2+mx1l+m,ly2+my1l+mSubstitute (x1, y1)=(-4,4) and (x2, y2)=(6,-1)P(a,1)=l(6)+m(-4)l+m,l(-1)+m(4)l+mP(a,1)=6l-4ml+m,-l+4ml+mEquating the y component1=-l+4ml+m1(l+m)=-l+4ml+l=4m-m2l=3mlm=32l:m=3:2

To find a, equating the coefficient of x


Problem 6 :

Find the ratio in which the line segment joining the points (-3, 10) and (6, -8) is divided by (-1, 6).


P(x,y)=lx2+mx1l+m,ly2+my1l+mSubstitute (x1, y1)=(-3,10) and (x2, y2)=(6,-8)P(-1,6)=l(6)+m(-3)l+m,l(-8)+m(10)l+mP(-1,6)=6l-3ml+m,-8l+10ml+mEquating the coefficient of x, we get-1=6l-3ml+m-1(l+m)=6l-3m-l-m=6l-3m-7l=-2mlm=27l:m=2:7

Hence, the point divides the line segment joining the points in the ratio 2 : 7.

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