What is Absolute Value ?
The absolute value (or modulus) | x | of a real number x is the non-negative value of x without regard to its sign.
For examples,
The absolute value of 5 is 5.
The absolute value of −5 is also 5.
What is opposite value ?
Two numbers are opposites if they have the same absolute value but different signs.
For examples,
The opposite of 0 is 0.
The opposite of 5 is -5
What is Reciprocal ?
Reciprocal is simply defined as the inverse of a value or a number.
For examples,
The Reciprocal of -2 is -1/2
The Reciprocal of 2/3 is 3/2
Values -7/11 4/5 10/7 -8 -3/13 9/14 15/7 -9 |
Opposite 7/11 -4/5 -10/7 8 3/13 -9/14 -15/7 9 |
Absolute 7/11 4/5 10/7 8 3/13 9/14 15/7 9 |
Reciprocal 11/7 5/4 7/10 -1/8 -13/3 14/9 7/15 -1/9 |
May 21, 24 08:51 PM
May 21, 24 08:51 AM
May 20, 24 10:45 PM