To express one quantity as a percentage of another, first we have to express the given quantities as percentage.

To convert the fraction or decimal as percentage, we have to multiply it by 100%.

Example 1 :

On the practice green Tiger sank 13 putts out of 20. Write this as a percentage ?

Solution :

Fraction form = 13/20

Converting it as percentage, we get

= (13/20) x 100%

= 65%

Example 2 :

Mohammed scored 66 marks out of 70 for his chemistry test. What was his percentage ?

Solution :

Marks scored by Mohammed = 66

Total marks = 70

Writing it as fraction, we get

= 66/70

Converting it into percentage = (66/70) x 100%

= 94.28

Approximately 94.3%.

Example 3 :

Erika was late for her bus 3 days out of 22 last month. What percentage of days was she on time ?

Solution :

Number of days she comes late = 3

Total number of day = 22

Writing it as fraction, we get

= 3/22

Converting it as percentage = (3/22) x 100%

= 13.6%

Percentage of days she was on time = 100 - 13.6

= 86.4%

Example 4 :

Phyills sells new cars. Her sales quota for last month was 35 cars. If she sold 43 cars during the month, write this as a percentage of the quota ?

Solution :

Number of cars sold last month = 35 cars

Number of cars sold for this month = 43 cars

Writing it as fraction, we get

= (35/43)

Converting it as percentage, we get

= (35/43) x 100%

= 0.813 x 100%

= 81.3%

Example 5 :

Pierre had $5 in his pocket until he spent 85 cents on some sweets. What percentage of his money did Pierre spend ?

Solution :

Money he has = $5

Money he spent = 0.85

Percentage of money he has spent = (0.85/5) x 100%

= 0.17 x 100%

= 17%

So, 17% of money he has spent.

Example 6 :

Sven walks 475 meters to the underground station, then makes a 3.5 km journey by a train. What percentage of the total distance travelled was on foot ?

Solution :

Distance covered by train = 3.5 km

= 3.5 x 1000

= 3500 meter

Distance covered by walk = 475

Required percentage = (475/3500) x 100%

= 13%

Example 7 :

Leah ate 250 grams of cake from a cake weighing 1  1/2 kg. What percentage of the cake did she eat ?

Solution :

Quantity of cake = 250 grams

Weight of cake = 1 1/2 kg

Converting into grams, we get = 1500 grams

Percentage of cake she eat = (250/1500) x 100%

= 16.6%

= 17%

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