Converting fractions or mixed numbers into decimal will be very simple, if we find the denominators 2 or multiple of 2.

By multiplying 2 or multiple of 2 by the following, we can make the denominators as 10n

2 x 50 = 100

4 x 25 = 100

8 x 125 = 1000

16 x 625 = 1000

Change the following fractions and mixed numbers to decimal numbers. Round answers to the nearest thousandth, if necessary.

Problem 1 :


Solution :

In the given fraction, the numerator and denominator is multiplied by 125.

The denominator will come 10n.

= 18 × 125125= 1251000= 0.125

1/8 = 0.125

Problem 2 :


Solution :

In the given fraction, the denominator is 7.

We cannot make 7 as 10n.

So, we have use long division only.

We can convert the fraction into the decimal.


2/7 = 0.2857

2/7 = 0.286

Problem 3 :

2 16

Solution :

In the given mixed number, the denominator is 6.

We cannot make 6 as 10n.

So, we have use long division only.

We can convert the fraction into the decimal.


1/6 = 0.1666

1/6 = 0.167

2 1/6 = 2.167

Problem 4 :


Solution :

In the given fraction, the numerator and denominator is multiplied by 625.

The denominator will come 10n.

= 316 × 625625= 187510000= 0.1875

3/16 = 0.188

Problem 5 :


Solution :`

In the given fraction, the numerator and denominator is multiplied by 125.

The denominator will come 10n.

= 34 × 2525= 75100= 0.75

Problem 6 :


Solution :`

In the given fraction, the denominator is 10.

So, we have 

5/10 = 0.5

Problem 7 :

13 78

Solution :`

In the given mixed number, the numerator and denominator is multiplied by 125.

The denominator will come 10n.

= 13 78= 13 78 × 125125= 13 8751000= 13.875

Problem 8 :

8 1015

Solution :

In the given mixed number, the denominator is 15.

We cannot make 15 as 10n.

So, we have use long division only.

We can convert the fraction into the decimal.


10/15 = 0.6666

10/15 = 0.667

8 10/15 = 8.667

Problem 9 :


Solution :

In the given fraction, the numerator and denominator is multiplied by 125.

The denominator will come 10n.

= 58 × 125125= 6251000= 0.625

5/8 = 0.625

Problem 10 :


Solution :

In the given fraction, the denominator is 3.

We cannot make 3 as 10n.

So, we have use long division only.

We can convert the fraction into the decimal.


2/3 = 0.6666

2/3 = 0.667

Problem 11 :

5 116

Solution :`

In the given mixed number, the numerator and denominator is multiplied by 625.

The denominator will come 10n.

= 5 116= 5 116 × 625625= 5 62510000= 5.0625

5 1/16 = 5.063

Problem 12 :

136 35

Solution :`

In the given mixed number, the numerator and denominator is multiplied by 2.

The denominator will come 10n.

= 136 35= 136 35 × 22= 136 610= 136.6

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