Converting decimals to fractions :

To convert decimal to fraction, we have to multiply the numerator and denominator by 10n.

Here n represents the number of zeroes.

Number of zeroes can be decided based on the number of digits after the decimal.

Converting decimals to percentage :

To convert decimal to percentage, we have to multiply the decimal by 100%.

Convert the following to fractions and percentage.

Example 1 :


Solution :

Converting decimal to fraction :

We see two digits after the decimal, so we will multiply and divide it by 100.

1.35 x (100/100) = 135/100

Dividing both numerator and denominator by 5.

= 27/20

So, fractional form of 1.35 is 27/20.

Converting decimal to percentage :

= 1.35 x 100%

100 is having two zeroes, so move the decimal two digits to the right.

= 135%

So, percentage form of 1.35 is 135%.

Example 2 :


Solution :

Converting decimal to fraction :

We see two digits after the decimal, so we will multiply and divide it by 100.

0.01 x (100/100) = 1/100

It cannot be simplified further.

So, fractional form of 0.01 is 1/100.

Converting decimal to percentage :

= 0.01 x 100%

100 is having two zeroes, so move the decimal two digits to the right.

= 1%

So, percentage form of 0.01 is 1%.

Example 3 :


Solution :

Converting decimal to fraction :

We see three digits after the decimal, so we will multiply and divide it by 1000.

2.254 x (1000/1000) = 2254/1000

Dividing both numerator and denominator by 2.

= 1127/500

So, fractional form of 2.254 is 1127/500.

Converting decimal to percentage :

= 2.254 x 100%

100 is having two zeroes, so move the decimal two digits to the right.

= 225.4%

So, percentage form of 2254 is 225.4%.

Example 4 :


Solution :

Converting decimal to fraction :

We see one digit after the decimal, so we will multiply and divide it by 10.

2.2 x (10/10) = 22/10

Dividing both numerator and denominator by 2.

= 11/5

So, fractional form of 2.2 is 11/5.

Converting decimal to percentage :

= 2.2 x 100%

100 is having two zeroes, so move the decimal two digits to the right.

= 220%

So, percentage form of 2.2 is 220%.

Example 5 :


Solution :

Converting decimal to fraction :

We see four digits after the decimal, so we will multiply and divide it by 10000.

0.0625 x (10000/10000) = 625/10000

Simplifying both numerator and denominator, we get

= 1/16

So, fractional form of 0.0625 is 1/16.

Converting decimal to percentage :

= 0.0625 x 100%

100 is having two zeroes, so move the decimal two digits to the right.

= 6.25%

So, percentage form of 0.0625 is 6.25%.

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