To create equal fractions, we have to multiply and divide both numerator and denominator by the same number.
For a fraction, we can create infinite number of equal fractions.
Find the number that belongs in the space by building or reducing equivalent fractions.
Problem 1 :
The denominator on the right side is 10. In the fraction 1/2, the denominator is 2. To get an equivalent fraction with denominator 10, we have to multiply both numerator and denominator of the fraction 1/2 by 5.
The above two fractions are equivalent with the same denominator. Then, the numerators must be equal.
x = 5
Problem 2 :
The denominator on the right side is 15. In the fraction 2/3, the denominator is 3. To get an equivalent fraction with denominator 15, we have to multiply both numerator and denominator of the fraction 2/3 by 5.
The above two fractions are equivalent with the same denominator. Then, the numerators must be equal.
x = 10
Problem 3 :
The denominator on the right side is 12. In the fraction 5/6, the denominator is 6. To get an equivalent fraction with denominator 12, we have to multiply both numerator and denominator of the fraction 5/6 by 2.
The above two fractions are equivalent with the same denominator. Then, the numerators must be equal.
x = 10
Problem 4 :
Problem 5 :
Problem 6 :
Problem 7 :
The denominator on the left side is 2. In the fraction 3/6, the denominator is 6. To get an equivalent fraction with denominator 2, we have to divide both numerator and denominator of the fraction 3/6 by 3.
The above two fractions are equivalent with the same denominator. Then, the numerators must be equal.
x = 1
Problem 8 :
The denominator on the left side is 4. In the fraction 6/8, the denominator is 8. To get an equivalent fraction with denominator 4, we have to divide both numerator and denominator of the fraction 6/8 by 2.
The above two fractions are equivalent with the same denominator. Then, the numerators must be equal.
x = 3
Problem 9 :
Problem 10 :
Problem 11 :
Problem 12 :
May 21, 24 08:51 PM
May 21, 24 08:51 AM
May 20, 24 10:45 PM