SAT Practice Problems on Trigonometry Worksheet

Problem 1 :

sin(x) = cos(K − x)

In the equation above, the angle measures are in radians and K is a constant. Which of the following could be the value of K?

A) 0      B) π/4      C) π/2       D) π


Problem 2 :

In a right triangle, one angle measures x°, where

sin x° = 4/5

What is cos(90° − x°) ?


Problem 3 :

In a circle with center O, central angle AOB has a measure of 5π/4 radians. The area of the sector formed by central angle AOB is what fraction of the area of the circle?


Problem 4 :

In the -xy plane above, O is the center of the circle, and the measure of POQ is kπ radians. What is the value of k?



Problem 5 :

In the -xy plane above, O is the center of the circle and the measure of AOD is π/3. If the radius of circle O is 6 what is the length of AD?



Problem 6 :

Which of the following is equal to cos(π/8) ?

A)  cos 3π/8       B)  cos 7π/8

C)  sin 3π/8        D)  sin 7π/8


Problem 7 :

In the figure above, what is the value of cos AOD?

A) 3/5        B) 3/4     C) 4/5     D) 4/3



Problem 8 :

In the right triangle shown below, if tan θ = 3/4, what is sin θ?

A)  1/3     B)  1/2       C)  4/5     D) 3/5



Problem 9 :

In the xy-plane above, O is the center of the circle and the measure of ∠POQ is k π radians.


What is the value of k ?

A)  1/3    B) 1/2     C)  2/3     D)  3/4


Problem 10 :

In the right triangle ABC above, the cosine of x° is 3/5. If BC = 12, what is the length of AC?



Answer Key

1)  k = π/2

2)  4/5

3)  area of the sector is 5/8 of area of circle.

4) k = 1/4

5)  AD = 3√3

6)   sin 3π/8

7)  cos θ = 3/5 

8)  cos θ = 3/5 

9)  k = 2/3

10)  AC = 9

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